Our partners


We partner with Fair Trade USA® to restore healthy marine ecosystems, livelihoods, and build resilient coastal communities in the Maldives:

  • Fair Trade USA’s standards address traceability to support efforts to detect and deter seafood fraud, labor abuse, and overfishing.

  • We are committed to working to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Fair Trade USA’s rigorous standards contribute to building resilient communities and prosperous individuals through conscious consumers and mutually beneficial trade:

    • UNSDG 1 No Poverty: Reducing poverty and blunting the negative impacts of it inherent to the lives of farmers, workers, and fishermen.

    • UNSDG 8 Decent Work & Economic Growth: Fair wages, dignified working conditions, ensuring human rights are respected, and avoiding the worst forms of abuse.

    • UNSDG 12 Responsible Consumption & Production: Gives consumers the opportunity to support companies who are committed to sustainability.

    • UNSDG 14 Life Below Water: Fair Trade USA’s seafood standards enable market access for small scale fishers, requires them to manage fish stocks sustainably, and protects the marine environment.



Mind Fish Co. is excited to be a supplier member of Fish Choice who works directly with the Seafood Watch Program at Monterey Bay Aquarium, Ocean Wise, NOAA Fisheries, the MSC, and ASC in providing science based, up-to-date sustainable seafood products, suppliers of those products, and relevant supporting information.

FishChoice.com is an online, sustainable seafood sourcing tool that connects retail, restaurant, and institutional seafood buyers to suppliers of sustainable seafood products. FishChoice.com also helps sustainable aquaculture operations and wild fisheries that utilize environmentally responsible fishing methods find markets for their products.